Friday, May 25, 2012

My First Fashion Copetition - Sby Fashion Parade TP

Miss it! It's Surabaya Fashion Parade 2011 and it's my first time to join fashion design competition.I was never joining fashion competition before, and yet the school of fashion, just a short course fashion design drawing at LasSalle college.
Theme at that time was 5 elements: Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, and Metal. I choose Fire and I named my design with Blazing Magnetism.Why?Blaze is a fiery flame, and Magnetism of a striking color that makes everyone who look at this would be interested (strong appeal).
Until the last day to submit the design, I found my inspiration by analyzing the nature of the fire from the color,element,etc. 3 am OMG I just finished it. And thank God for inspiration, but I gave it all to him about the result.

By submit the sketch design, the participants were selected from about 50 to 20 finalists.And the result.Wow!I'm surprised and I'm so glad I passed into 20 finalists!

The next day is the day that the announcement of the winners will be announced. One by one dress of the winner will be used by a model that has been provided and come out on stage.And I was very surprised my dress worn by the model as a runner up winner!


This is my first step to be success and I will continue to progress in developing my talents of fashion.

But I just missed it this year because it's my time to keep focused on national exam.So I lost it.

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